The Red Sea Submarine Experience

An hour’s drive away from Safaga the Sindbad Resort Hotel offers the visitor the opportunity for a unique experience. Board a submarine for an unforgettable underwater journey on the Red Sea. The submarine will descent to a depth of approximately 22 meters, where various kinds of coral have formed beautiful reefs and multicoloured fish have claimed them for their habitat. Enjoy the unsurpassed beauty of the deep and take the opportunity for unique underwater photographs



Special Notes:
At Sinbad hotel passengers board a motor launch for the ride to the submarine platform.

The ride from the hotel to the submarine platform takes approximately 20 minutes each way.

Submarine ride lasts approximately 50 minutes.

There's a toilet on the submarine landing platform as well as at the hotel.

Submarine departures are scheduled every hour, the first one beginning at 10.00am and can be repeated when participation exceeds 44 persons.

A certificate is given to each participant at the conclusion of the participant at the conclusion of the submarine dive, complimentary.

Submarine is a/c and seats are 22 on either side , each one by the window.

Each side takes it in turn to see the beauties of the deep, one side during going and the other, during return.

There’s a small exhibition on the platform with a variety of tropical fish. Here, a commentary takes place by submarine personnel on what to expect to see during the dive.



Tour Details

Tour Name:
The Red Sea Submarine Experience

Adventure Excursions
Family Shore Excursions

Tour ID:

Approximately 3hr30

easy excursionfamily excursion

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